Special Projects

Special Projects

“Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper.
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth,
and girded me with gladness; to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee,
and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.”

- Psalm 30:10-12 (KJV

World Missionary Evangelism, Inc. began with a challenge to save children in need.“Special Projects” can meet a one-time,vital need for an individual or a community.

World Missionary Evangelism’s sponsors have been instrumental in helping with unique requests for corrective eye surgeries, the design and production of a prosthesis for a teenager, new linens and mattresses for a home for the elderly in Romania, and transportation for native evangelists taking the Gospel to remote villages.

These one-time Special Projects which the Lord puts in WME’s path offer amazing opportunities for caring individuals to make a huge difference!

“Special Projects” can also refer to efforts that are new or fall a little outside WME’s established areas of outreach.

Sometimes, God leads us to a project within WME’s overall mission, but it is unlike the other work we do. These Special Projects may be in a new area, in a different country or are a little outside WME’s established outreach.

For example: Several years ago, a WME ministry partner requested help to provide needy children in Romania and Moldova with warm boots for Christmas. WME designated this as a Special Project. It was so well received by WME sponsors, it is now an annual WME Christmas project falling within our regular outreach.

One simple act of charity can sometimes go much further in winning souls for Christ than any words we speak.

Giving a child a pair of warm shoes or the ailing elderly a clean place to lay their heads is a small investment that can produce a life-altering influence. These Special Projects may be the difference in how precious souls live life on earth as well as where they spend eternity.

If you are interested in hearing more about unique opportunities to change a life, please contact WME today about our Special Projects.

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