USA Food For Hunger
USA Food For Hunger
“And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, ‘Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the
kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that
weep now: for ye shall laugh.’”
World Missionary Evangelism has food pantries in West Virginia and South Texas.
These centers are open year-round to help those without the means to put food on their tables. They are located in communities with very depressed economies and lack of jobs. For many this is their last resort. One WME food pantry supervisor has shared stories of grown men crying because they have to ask for charity to feed their families.
Requests for assistance are rising because other area food pantries have closed, leaving fewer resources for those in need. That makes WME’s outreach more critical that ever before!
WME participates in several projects to spread the joy of Christmas in the USA.
World Missionary Evangelism has an annual Christmas project to give food baskets to families suffering from poverty. While we assist families throughout the year, this is a special event. We also provide gifts to children, teens or handicapped individuals. Without this help, most would not receive anything for Christmas.
In addition, WME is working with a partner dedicated to mentoring, discipling and restoring the lives of battered women.
This program is recognized at a national level with a 100% reconciliation rate. The women this program serves come from a life of prostitution, drugs or abuse. They have deep emotional and spiritual wounds and only want a second chance to reclaim their lives. They need people who will pray and support them as they seek deliverance from their pasts.
These USA programs allow us to bring hope to individuals and families facing hard times.
Whether you give financially, send clothing or household goods, or pray for WME’s ministry, it makes a real difference to wounded souls who need help to move forward.
If you are ready to help those dealing with hunger and poverty in the USA,please contact WME about giving to USA Food For Hunger.