Romania & Moldova
Romania & Moldova
- Estimated Population: 20 million
- People Living Below National Poverty Line: 22.4%
- Median Age: 39 years
- Population Aged Under 15: 15%
- Estimated Population: 3.6 million
- People Living Below National Poverty Line: 12.7%
- Median Age: 36 years
- Population Aged Under 15: 17%
In Romania & Moldova, WME is reaching out with compassionate service and Christian ministry to those in great need through the following activities and projects:
- Assistance to state-run children’s home in Moldova
- Musical instruments & PA sound systems
- Bible & Gospel tract distribution
- Winter boot drive for needy children & missionary families
- Donations for widows/elderly in need
- Medical projects for children with special needs
- Farm animals
If you feel the call to join WME to make a difference in Romania & Moldova, please click here.