Financial Accountability

Financial Accountability

World Missionary Evangelism, Inc. (WME) is firmly committed to the good stewardship of funds entrusted to us by our sponsors, donors and supporters.

At WME, we recognize that the relationship with our donors is one based on Christian faith and trust. It is our deepest desire to honor the Lord and the donors who give to this ministry by striving to walk with integrity. So that Christ’s name is glorified, we work hard to use your gifts wisely and effectively in our ministry activities.

We recognize the importance of taking steps to help ensure our financial accountability.

World Missionary Evangelism is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). We support the purposes and goals of the ECFA and display its seal proudly to reflect our observance of its membership standards.

In addition, we are independently audited by certified public accountants.

Should you desire further information regarding our financial procedures and policies, please contact our main offices at:

World Missionary Evangelism, Inc.
P.O. Box 660800
Dallas, Texas 75266
Phone:        214-942-1678

WME has a Financial Policy in place to honor the intent of our donors and sponsors as it pertains to designated gifts and funds.

WME’s Financial Policy states: “Your love gifts support World Missionary Evangelism, Inc. and its affiliates around the world. WME will endeavor to honor your gift designations. However, when the designation is not aligned with the mission and projects of WME, or if a need has already been met, donors agree that WME may use the funds in the area(s) of greatest need. Child or student sponsorship gifts will be spent on WME projects in the community where the child or student is located or on necessary overhead associated with WME projects in that community, unless WME notifies the donor otherwise.”

In order to provide you with additional information about the meaning of our donation designations, here is an explanation of WME’s program designations:

  • Wells/Water Relief Projects: Some wells may require additional funds to complete.
  • Churches/Building Fund: Some churches may require additional funds to complete.
  • Food For Hunger Projects: Famine, refugees, clothing, shelter, medicine, disaster relief, Save-A-Child, Save-A-Family, lepers, farms, farm animals, tools, farm equipment, transportation, corrective surgeries and other special needs.
  • Native Missionary Sponsorship: Sponsorship of native ministers, native workers and specific native needs such as lanterns, drums, sound systems or bicycles.
  • Orphan/Child Sponsorship: Sponsorship of children, clothing, school supplies, school uniforms and special gifts including Christmas and birthdays.
  • United States Work: Anything for USA work including food, disaster relief, school supplies, Christmas projects or Native Americans.
  • Where Needed Most:> Includes all undesignated gifts, postage, radio packet, general fund, as needed or USA Radio.
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